January One. New. Fresh. Possibilities. Goals.
I have never been one to fully embrace all that January 1st brings...such as resolutions: losing weight, spending less, etc. But after a very unexpected 2020, my priorities were revealed (rather lack of priorities): my faith, my marriage, my children, my health and friendships. On the outside looking in, I would have perceived that these items were true priorities but in actual practice...they. were. not. There were certainly aspects of each item listed that benefited from my attention yet my heart....my heart was too distracted---distracted by media, comparison, busyness, my stuff (physical possessions) and the like. I am thankful for the events of 2020 because in the unexpected--- change came: growth, awareness, deeper connection and renewal. These are the things I strive towards in 2021.
At the risk of sounding cliche, I am making boundaries and goals to strive towards in 2021 (most of which I have already started acting on long before the glittery ball dropped in NYC). My handwritten vision board was crafted at our homeschool table with faded Crayola felt-tipped markers on a wrinkled piece of odd colored computer paper. My daughter drawing her own goals for 2021 while my husband was at work and our two boys slept. One "bubble" read: read more scripture. (If you want to know the others, feel free to ask!).
And so, I searched. I sought a New Testament Bible reading plan for the year 2021. To no surprise, I found one quickly and easily. I pulled out the cream-colored card-stock and printed the bookmark-sized reading-guides, placing them in my new (IN) CSB Bible. All set...
I was so excited, I actually started yesterday (knowing there would be days I fall behind in striving towards this goal). And today, I learned I have to think of my time differently. I MUST capitalize on those moments my three young children are playing so nicely together and the house is quiet. I MUST develop a better routine and stick with it. I CAN use my noise-cancelling headphones and sit at the kitchen table while the kids run around and play so that I can read God's Word. These concepts are new to me (although I have taught them to my students for years and have {at one time} practiced them).
So, what did I learn today (the whole, main reason I wanted to write this blog post...):
From Matthew 1 & 2: Joseph had to be willing to move, at any time, at the Lord's direction.
Coming out of Christmas, our family listened, read and re-read the "nativity story" in many different forms over the December month. I mean, it IS an incredible story. But what stood out to me this time was Joseph...his connection with God, the Father...his willingness to listen and immediately respond.
As a man, (and a godly one at that) I am sure he had a deep desire to provide for his wife and new child...set up a home, establish roots, be around family for support. Although, those things were accomplished (eventually), it is amazing to think of all of the relationships and possessions he had to leave behind when they fled Bethlehem for Egypt and then later moved from Egypt to Galilee. What incredible sacrifices he had to make to follow God.
This, to me, represents a "missionary lifestyle." What if God called you or me to move...RIGHT NOW..to pursue the greater plans HE has for us? What could I take with me? What would I have to leave behind? (And how would that make me feel?) How would my children respond emotionally to this swift change? How would we provide for our family? Where would we live? What would come of relationships with family/friends...how would they respond to a decision to move the family for the sake of following the Lord? As of now, what physical possessions or relationships am I unwilling to surrender to the Lord?
All this has lead me to continue to simplify my physical possessions & be *more* ready to respond if/when God calls our family to a new place. Now, don't worry...God hasn't called us...but shouldn't we all live that way...as if He has called us...unattached to the things of this world?
Interesting thoughts on what Joseph may have felt as he led his family based on a few dreams from God, the Father. WOW!
Where are you putting your faith? What are you clinging too tightly to?
In this new year, surrender to the Lord. Not for the sake of a pat of the back at the end of the year for accomplishing your resolutions but rather for treasure in heaven for abiding in HIM and following as our Savior directs. What a shift of perspective.
Happy New Year, everyone...Happy New Year!