Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Growing in health: A wrist device

It all started about six months ago when I got my Fitbit. I realized how restless my sleep was. How inactive my body was. And more importantly, I realized how anxious I was as noted by my high resting heart rate.

In a season of uncertainty, on many levels, I allowed my mental stress to affect my physical health. Within a few weeks, I began to recognize the signs my body was giving off when my heart rate was increasing: Shoulders up to the ears. Heart pounding a little faster. My hands clenching the steering wheel just a little tighter. My voice raising. (Do any of these things sound familiar to you?) None of these things are good or healthy. None of these things do I want my children to learn— My bad habits.

Today driving the kids to school, I was again thankful for the little device around my wrist. At a stoplight, I glanced down and I noticed that my heart rate was way too high given the fact that I was simply just sitting in a car. After taking several deep breathes, releasing my shoulder tension, and losing my grip around the steering wheel, my heart rate dropped by five points! Can you believe it!?

I resist to use the word “mindfulness,” maybe I am just learning to be more aware—but I would recommend that each one of us take a look into our habits and our physical reaction to the world around us. Within minutes, I felt so much more peace and calm. My mind was clear and my words were more succinct. I was able to fully present with my children on the rest of the drive to school. 

In a world where life demands multitasking, our bodies simply cannot catch up! There is no doubt that certain seasons are busier than others. And certain times of the day that are more strenuous than others. Regardless, we are called as believers to take every thought captive to the Lord! As we do this, we can experience what true peace truly feels like!

I write this not as a sales pitch for a fitness device but rather as a reminder to check in with your body. Examine your attitude and your actions and how those might be influencing (either positively or negatively) not only yourself but those around you! I was surprised I have learned so much about myself from a tiny little device wrapped around my wrist.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Growing a boy: Triumph

It has been 24-hours since our sweet youngest experienced his "epic" day in hospital-land, 45 minutes away. He enjoyed the special "just with Dad" time and the one-on-one attention from multiple providers (playing peek-a-boo with them as the providers discussed his progress). The day was filled with shuffling from this appointment to this meeting to that scan. It went seamlessly. Our family continues to be impressed with the level of care, attention to detail, honest discussions, and the integration of services we receive on behalf of our son.

So, here is the news:

  • Chest x-ray----- CLEAR
  • Echocardiogram ---- CLEAR
  • Lung Capacity ---- GROWING
  • Surgical site ---- UNCHANGED
  • Overall development ---- ON TARGET

The team of providers was BEYOND thrilled with our boy, almost surprised at how well he is doing considering his experiences in that first month of life and the two new diagnoses in February. We are thrilled too.

I thank the Lord for the work HE has done in Oliver. God has been faithful to direct us as parents and we willingly submit and obey-- PT--YES....OT---OK! "Special" Preschool--- SURE! Because of God's wisdom and our many "yeses," our son is thriving. Yet, we do not take this for granted. We know that this sweet boy belongs to the Lord. We pray for and will accept God's will for our son.

We will be reunited with the team of amazing providers again (minus the echocardiogram) in 18-months. Praying for another amazing report.

Thank you for joining us in prayer and rejoicing with us.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Growing a boy: I had a moment of PTSD

Our family is settling in after Oliver's February diagnoses (2021). What felt hopeless and insurmountable for Oliver has now become our everyday---managing medication, incorporating PT & OT into daily routine, researching/education and shifting how we parent to better accommodate how our sweet youngest processes life. It has been an adjustment but an honor to see this little man's life unfold and to rely on God to give us wisdom and direction in the middle of this pandemic. 

Looking back on Oliver's last 4 and a half years of life, it is a privilege to stand where I do. To watch him thrive in preschool--almost mastering skills I thought he would never learn. Peering at his sweet sleeping face, holding his creations from school and reflecting back on his amazing use of language and words. I am in awe.

Despite the growth I have seen, I had a flashback moment today while driving to pick up Oliver's siblings from school. Exhausted from preschool, Oliver quickly fell asleep within 5 minutes of being buckled into his car seat. As we drove the 25-minute drive to his sibling's school, down the leaf covered street, Oliver began to sporadically cough in his sleep--more of a gag. His eyes closed---sleeping, still, not moving.

Instantly, my mind went to worst case scenario. I was reminded of when he stopped breathing after we finally brought him home. I was reminded of the time when Tyler rapidly drove Oliver to the ER, rubbing Oliver's sternum almost the whole way. My mind recalled the pain of trying to feed him while dealing with his reflux coughing fits.

In the pouring rain on a gloomy fall day, with snowing leaves, I had a moment of PTSD.

Every few seconds I looked back---my mind conjured up a thousand questions (& panicked scenarios) while trying to keep in my minivan in the yellow lines on the wet roads:

  • Is he breathing? Does he have color? Is his chest rising and falling? Is he moving---at all? Do I need to call 911? Should I wake him up or let him sleep? 

What felt like an hour (seriously) was really only two stop lights. By that time, Oliver cleared his throat, moved his hands and adjusted his head -- almost as if to say, "Nothing to see here. I am fine, just choking a bit on my saliva while I sleep."

I could have had a heart attack; my heartrate was so high.

**SIGH** Relief.

I pulled the van safely into the school parking lot, reversed into a parking spot and about lost it. Grief. Pain. Hardship. All of those "not so fun" emotions from a "not so easy" season of life--I need to let him sleep. I need to recover from my emotions. A kind act from another mother--who brought my other two children to my van while Oliver slept--was just the moment I needed. A moment of grief, a moment of acknowledgement--sitting there for just a moment--before I had to jump back into my role as a "Mother of Three"

I am thankful that mother, unknowingly, gave this moment to me. I am grateful I could recognize but not linger in my grief. In the past, it would have taken a while for me to "snap out of it." The Lord has blessed me with healing, with joy, with peace about all the events we faced as a family upon Oliver's arrival.

I had to laugh a little though--of course ALL of this comes on the eve of his annual surgical follow-up (which includes a chest x-ray, nutritionist, echocardiogram among other tests/procedures). It has been a while since I have had such a blatant reminder of Oliver's tough beginning of life story. 

So, I sit here at my computer--all three children snug in their beds for the night--grateful. Oliver continues to remind me of just how precious this life is. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. What we do--What we say--How we say it-- it ALL matters. I hope you take this as a reminder too...we simply trust the Lord, submit our ways to Him and He will always show us the way. He will always be our Healer. He will always bring us through our hard things--whether on earth or in Eternity with Him.

Glory be to God Almighty.