Monday, December 28, 2015

Birth Story: Samuel Ethan

I know many people are always interested in the details of birth. So, in this blog post I hope to meet that curiosity. There is a little to the back story though of why this birth was SO meaningful and how God had answered many prayers through it.

The birth of my first was anything but ideal. After 51+ hours of labor, my desire for a natural birth ended in a c-section. I struggled for 22-hours with no pain meds (plus pitocin), and only dilated to 4-5 cm. After laboring for another 22+ hours with an epidural, I dilated to 5-6cm. By that point, it was time to have a c-section. Don't get me wrong, I was THRILLED to hold my little girl, but the experience was long, painful, and nothing like I had planned or imagined. I was left feeling a little disappointed and slightly "cheated" from the experience of giving birth naturally.

Early in this pregnancy, I woke up from my night's rest and had received a vision/dream from the Lord that 1) I was going to have a baby boy and 2) I was going to have a natural childbirth. (God really knows me well and knows how much of a processor I am!). The chances of a natural birth after a c-section are not very high, especially after the labor I had with Abe. I knew that God had great plans to bring Samuel into this world but I must say that I was very skeptical that this vision would come true. I had a little more confidence when I was 19-weeks pregnant and found out we were having a boy, but I was still unsure if I could indeed have a natural delivery. 

Here is where the story of Samuel's arrival begins...

I started having Braxton Hicks contractions at 31 weeks. At week 37, I had contractions 4-6 minutes apart and thought my water may have broken...false alarm. BOO-HOO! We were ready to meet Samuel! Week 38 came and went with many contractions...some strong while others I barely noticed.

At my 39-week appointment on Wednesday, December 16, I was 3.5-4cm dilated/70% effaced and I had my membranes stripped (we decided to do this as a natural way to support my desire for a VBAC-- vaginal birth after Cesarean). The thought was membrane stripping would put me into labor within a few days by releasing hormones...if it would work at all. 

Saturday, December 19 & Sunday, December 20, I thought FOR SURE I was going to have my baby! Contractions were close together and strong but after about a 1/2 day on both days they would stop. I was highly, highly disappointed. I was getting very discouraged from being in the pain of contractions but nothing noticeable happening. We even added in spicy food, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea and walking to help the process along. I was either ready to be pregnant forever OR to get that baby out! I was certainly in pre-labor for at least four days leading to the actual labor & delivery of Samuel.

Monday, December 21, out of the blue, my doctor called me in the morning just to check in on me. I happened to be in the middle of a contraction when she called. Out of curiosity, she wanted me to come in around noon to get checked out, especially with the contractions I was having the last few days. We got Gram-Gram to watch Abe as we headed to our appointment. After getting checked out, I was a solid 4cm/75% effaced. With my due date approaching and a better chance at a VBAC, we
decided to have my membranes stripped again. This doctor was pretty aggressive with it. To say it was uncomfortable is certainly an understatement!! OUCH! Much different than my appointment the Wednesday prior. Again, we had high hopes that this would put me into labor quickly. The day moved on with little to light contractions. Again, I was highly discouraged and asked a few close friends to pray. Since I was going stir crazy, we decided to go to the mall just to walk around. I desperately needed to get out of the house and get my mind off having this baby. We let Abe walk the whole mall and even play in the play area (something she never gets to do). The day came and baby. 

Tuesday, December 22 (one-day before the due date). I stated this day feeling almost human...normal. :) I had little to no contractions throughout the day and had honestly lost hope that I would actually have this baby on his due date.  Nothing extraordinary happened on this day....until 6:34pm. We were all downstairs as a family. Abe was playing in her playhouse, the husband was taking a shower and (un)apparently I went into labor. Abe was in the process of cleaning up her toys
when out of nowhere I was struck to the ground with a painful contraction. Out of habit, Tyler said I should look at the clock and begin to time them...for fun. 6:34pm. In less than four minutes, I was back down on the floor having another very painful contraction (see 2nd picture on the right). It was time to get a little more serious about timing these things. As we moved upstairs, I found myself leaning against our bookcase, pounding with my fist rhythmically to redirect the pain I was having. Within about 30 minutes, contractions were 3:30-4:00 minutes apart and getting stronger. Yup! Time to call in the grandparents to watch Abe while we went to the hospital. I had no signs of my bags of water breaking but since contractions were close together and painful and I was hoping for a VBAC, our doctor recommended we go to the hospital when all of these signs presented themselves, especially since I was considered to be a high risk delivery. Off we went.

My contractions continued the whole ride to the hospital. To control the pain, I found myself pounding the passenger side window with my fist with every contraction (apparently this is what I do when I have babies...I used this same "method" with Abe during the first part of my labor with her). I bet those next to us at EACH stoplight (YES--we hit EVERY red light going down 6th Ave!!) thought I was crazy but honestly, I didn't care. By 8:30pm I was in triage and getting examined to see if I was "really" in labor. To me, it was pretty  obvious that I was. By this time, contractions were happening every 2-3:30 minutes. When I was checked, I was already at 6cm! I was amazing! This was as far dilated as I ever got with my first labor so I was pretty excited! Shortly after, we were taken to our labor and deliver suite and getting set-up to have this baby!

*Times are now approximate*
After laboring for a few hours, by 11pm I was at 9cm. My water still had not broken so we decided to help the process move along by breaking my water. After this point, the baby's heart rate began to dip from the mid-130's/140's to 60 with every contraction! This would only happen with each contraction and then bounce back up but clearly, this was not going to be something that could be sustained for a long period of time. So, the doctor decided to re-fill my bag of water to take off some of the pressure that was on baby's umbilical cord. This worked like magic! His heart rate began to steady with each contraction and the doctor felt comfortable progressing with the birth. 

At this point, the contractions became almost unbearable (to state it mildly). There was still a long-ish road ahead and I was tiring out quickly. The decision was made to order an epidural. I was totally
okay with that!! As the team set-up for the epidural and I was rolled over to my right side, I told the doctor that I had the urge to push. Knowing I wanted a natural, unmedicated birth she held the epidural team back, asked me to roll over onto my back and push. I had three strong pushed in me...and so at 12:15am (ON MY DUE DATE, Wednesday, December 23!!) I began the process of pushing out my son...without an epidural or pain medications! The dream/vision God had given me was coming true!

I was surprised at the natural instincts that took over...I was afraid I wouldn't know when to start pushing but after 3 1/2 hours of pushing, my son was born at 3:51am! Throughout the pushing process, my wonderful husband was at the foot of the bed learning how to deliver our baby. The doctor coached him through every step in the process and at many time during the L&D he was running the whole show with our doctor "assisting"... (although she was ultimately in control, she allowed Tyler to play a HUGE role in the processes). As I was pushing, Tyler was not only coaching me on my breathing and counting as I pushed but learning how to safely deliver our son. He was my hero on this day! It was incredible that he got to play such an active role in the process, experiencing it with me not just next to me holding a leg. It was an incredibly powerful bonding time for us as a couple as he "yelled" at me, told me when to push, and ensured that all of my hopes for a natural deliver would occur (like having a mirror to see baby coming out and delaying umbilical cord clamping).

As our son came out, Tyler was able to place him directly on my chest...and there baby stayed for 2 hours while I was getting stitched. I tore pretty badly because of the way he came out. It took a little over 2 hours to repair all of the damage that occurred. Without realizing until the repairs were almost over, the doctor discovered an active bleed that required more repairs. It hurt SO bad to get things stitched up, especially since my body processes the numbing medication quickly. I had to keep getting shots "down there" to numb things up for the stitching. OUCH! But holding baby boy was a great distraction for me and made the process a lot better. Once the stitching was done, Tyler took our sweet son and watched him get weighed, measured, and get his first footprints. It was such a blessing and a wonderful bonding time to hold my son for 2 whole hours!!! Certainly moments I will never forget.

Since repairs took the normal "two-hours in the recovery room" time frame, they allowed me to stay an extra two hours; however, this turned into an additional two hours on top of that to total 6 hours in the recovery room. I lost a lot of blood post-delivery. I was really close to needed a blood transfusion. I realized the effects of this blood loss after my stitching was done and they asked me to walk to the bathroom about an hour after the stitching was complete. With help, I made it to the bathroom no problem but within a minute I felt like I was going to pass out. I quickly sat back down on the shower chair. After taking a moment to compose myself, I tried to walk the 6 steps to the wheelchair. I collapsed in Tyler's arms and he placed me in the wheelchair and rolled me over to the bed...this is why I received the extra 2-hours in the recovery room. They fed me juice and crackers and tried to sit me up a few times, but I was clearly not in an condition to be moved upstairs to the postpartum floor. They also would not allow me out of bed to use the bathroom again so I had the great pleasure, for the first time ever, to use a bedpan. Fun times. On the bright side, I was able to nurse Samuel for the first time and he latched like a champ!!

By 11:30am, I was settled in upstairs on the postpartum floor, Rainier Room 417. This was the first
time I was able to eat since my measly 1/2 bowl of LIFE cereal at 5:30pm the day I went into labor (Dec. 22). It was also the first time I was really able to rest. The nursing staff was very considerate of when they came in and how often so that we could rest. Around 3:30pm, we had our first visitors- Grandma Shell, Auntie TT and of course....BIG SISTER!!! We had a great time introducing the siblings to each other. A little after 4:30pm, Grandpa showed up after work to meet our little Samuel. He loved snuggling and holding him so much! It was great to have family come and celebrate with us!

CHRISTMAS EVE!! Thursday, December 24 at 1am, little Samuel would not stop crying. We called the nurse in to see if they had pacifiers on hand because all baby boy wanted to do was keep sucking (we later found out that my milk had not come in and he was actually just hungry...but that is a
different story). Not having pacifiers, the nurse offered to take Samuel for about an hour so that we could get some sleep; he also needed his 24-hour check-up/testing so they did this during that time. Since Samuel was having some trouble swallowing/gagging one of us needed to be awake with him to clear is mouth/throat when needed but we both just reached to point of pure exhaustion. I felt like a horrible mom trusting some strange nurse with my baby (especially since Tyler would not be there with him), but we really did need to take care of ourselves so that we could better care for him. It was a tough/not tough decision to make. So, we both got about an hours worth of sleep.

We celebrated this milestone by singing Samuel Happy Birthday; and he exchanged the gesture by peeing on Dad for the first of many times I am sure. :)

We survived through the first night as a family, sleep deprived and everything (YEA!); and at 7am the pediatrician came in to check-up on our sweet bundle. Besides not pooping without assistance, everything checked out great. She wanted to see us back in clinic on Saturday to check his outputs since he was having some difficulties with those but overall, she was really happy about the progress he made in his first 24-hours of life.

I decided to brave the shower shortly after our pediatrician left. I was a little afraid about 1) fainting in the shower and 2) pain from my stitches. But it was the BEST shower I have EVER taken!! I never once thought I was going to faint and the hand-held shower sprayer made it so nice and easy to shower and take care of my "special" areas. It was a little difficult to get dressed afterwards because I was so exhausted from the effort it took to take my shower but it was certainly worth it!
My doctor came by at 11am on Christmas Eve to check-up on me. Overall, I was doing well. Samuel bruised my tailbone and I was having some soreness on the lower right side of my back. I was SUPER swollen "down there" and at times it was painful to readjust in bed, get up or sit down. I was sore all over, especially from pushing for 3 1/2 hours. My lightheadedness had gone away for the most part and I was able to get up and walk around without assistance. We were certainly ready to go home!

After our doctor left, we started to pack up and get ready for discharge. After my medications were ordered, baby boy was cleared, and Tyler brought the car seat up, we were discharged!! At 1pm on Christmas Eve, we were going home!! Once baby was loaded and the car was packed, we made our way to Arby's and then home. We slept for about an hour before Gram-Gram brought Abe back to our house. We had a quiet Christmas Eve, enjoying French Dip sandwiches and sitting around the table as a family of four! God had answered so many prayers with the whole labor and delivery. He truly is an amazing God and is certainly worthy of all our praise! 

Welcome to the world Baby Samuel!!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas: Advent Calendar CHANGE

I recently saw this article on our local news webpage. I would like to suggest a change to Day 20.

First, please read this news article: Christmas cards for a young arson survivor

After reading this article, I am sure you can guess the change I am suggesting! :) Let us help this young girl achieve her dream! I encourage you to send her a Christmas Card. I know I am.

Happy Giving-

Christmas: Kindness begets kindness

Hello Blog Readers!

I hope you are enjoying the challenge of giving this time of year as you work your way through the Advent Giving Calendar.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am 38-weeks (and 2-days!) pregnant. The last few days I have had little to no energy so I had to switch up a few of the activities to accommodate my weary body.  Today I was feeling well enough to leave the house with my 16-month old in tow to accomplish Day 8: giving the gift of the gospel.

I had to run a few errands, including a stop at the Dollar Store. In want of a Starbucks coffee, I swung by Safeway next door to get my decaf-coffee-fix. They have a little "cafe" seating area right inside. I thought that would be a perfect public space to leave the Bible, with a little note, since a diverse group of people often visit this "cafe."

After I had grabbed my drink, placed the Bible and began exiting the store, the couple behind me had about 8 or so drinks they had ordered. To be honest, my first thought was, "I am glad I was in front of them in line." But quickly my heart was convicted at this judgement, especially when I saw what they did next.  As we all left through the automatic doors, they offered a hot chocolate to the Salvation Army volunteer who was faithfully at his post ringing his bell. WOW! Want an incredible thing to witness. The giver asked if the man was able to consume dairy (how thoughtful!!) and after he said yes, the giver handed him the hot beverage. It was a simple gesture, but the look on the volunteer's face was one of deep gratitude. How a simple gift can have a big impact.

Have you witnessed any random acts of kindness? If so, how has your heart changed because of them? As you have been giving, what are some lessons you have been learning?

Happy Giving!!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas: Advent Calendar Reflection #1

So, have you decided to join in on the Advent fun of blessing others and proclaiming Jesus?

I must say the last four days have really begun to transform my thinking about giving. I have found myself giving others extra grace and being more willing to put myself aside to allow others to go before me...whether that is stopping at a crosswalk while I am driving or making room for someone in line at the store when the line is SUPER long.

I have been learning patience and also been able to see opportunities I would have missed had I not been so intentional.

It is interesting to see how the focus on giving, even just after four days, has transformed my thinking. I feel honor to be able to bless others with simple gifts and words of encouragement. I find myself praying more and seeking to serve God in everyday, ordinary activities. (Both of which I should be doing anyway!! Yes, I feel the sense of conviction rising up in my spirit.)

To be honest, I was a little hesitant at first to start this challenge, being 37 weeks pregnant and all, but it really has helped me take the focus off of me and turn my focus to loving Jesus in a different way. It has changed the way I speak to my 15-month old daughter about giving and receiving as well...teaching her about the importance of sharing what we have with her friends and considering their needs before her own. What wonderful gifts.

What are some things you have been learning as you dive into celebrating the coming of Jesus through giving?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas: Advent Calendar

As we enter further still into Advent (which means "coming" in Latin), let us be intentional in remembering not only the birth of Jesus but the expectation of the future coming of the Lord as described in scripture. Reflecting on all the Lord has done & will do, I have created an advent calendar of random acts of kindness to bless others during this season. It is so easy to focus on buying presents, upcoming parties, making everything "perfect" for Christmas, etc. and forget about the true meaning of Christmas. This year I desire to be intentional. If you would like to join me, let me know. I would be more than joyful to share my calendar with you. :) Happy Advent!

I plan on leaving a little note with each gift saying something like, "In the Spirit of Christmas & the celebration of Jesus' birth, enjoy this gift."

Day 1: Go out of my way (& against my already planned activities) to help. The gift of time.

Day 2: In a drive-thru, purchase a gift card and leave it for the person behind me.

Day 3: Leave $5 at the gas pump to bless someone with their next fill-up.

Day 4: Purchase coloring books & crayons from the Dollar Store to leave in the hospital waiting room.

Day 5: Package diapers & wipes to leave on a changing pad in the restroom. 

Day 6: Tape microwave popcorn & $2 onto the nearest RedBox. 

Day 7: Write an encouraging note to a neighbor & drop it by with a treat. 

Day 8: Give the gift of the Gospel. Mark the "Christmas Story" in a new Bible & leave it in a public place.

Day 9: Invite a friend over for a meal, requiring their presence only.

Day 10: Send/take flowers to someone who should be recognized. 

Day 11: Give a small gift & note to the mailman for working so hard during this holiday season.

Day 12: Reflect on someone influential in my life. Write a letter to them expressing my gratitude. 

Day 13: Do a craft with my daughter with the intention of blessing a neighbor or friend.

Day 14: Call someone I haven't spoken with in a while and encourage them with prayer, scripture & conversation.

Day 15: Donate food to our church food bank. 

Day 16: Enjoy a "tech free" day to be present with those I am with. (With the exception of announcing the birth of our baby if he comes on this day :)).

Day 17: Read the Christmas Story from the Bible & text a friend about what stood out to me. Pray for that friend too! 

Day 18: Leave an extra tip for someone at a restaurant, coffeehouse, etc.

Day 19: Do something special that I know my husband will appreciate – food something probably :)

Day 20: Send a Christmas card to a nursing home with a family picture to encourage someone who may not have family. 

Day 21: Give the crosswalk lady a hot chocolate.

Day 22: Say something kind to the waitress or cashier to encourage them for working so hard. Do this everywhere I go. 

Day 23: (My due date!!) Bring chocolates to the nurses at the hospital (if I'm in labor)

Day 24: Journal/blog about what Jesus has taught me through this Advent Season & post it on social media.

Day 25: Be intentional about conversations with family while keeping Jesus at the center of Christmas celebrations.