Yesterday was a hard, HARD day for our nation. The act of domestic terrorism is appalling. I am not writing this to start a debate, but rather, as an exercise in looking at humanity. No matter what side you stand on, where is the moral ground?
I worry. And at times, I am afraid.
COVID, my husband, children, our nation, my home, finances, war, death.
These are just a *few* worries and anxieties I have...there are others like schooling for my children next year, protecting our new flock of chickens (two of which have already died) all while trying to "hold it together."
In Scripture, I am reminded, "don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)
I sighed a cleansing sigh. I breathe a refreshing breath.
My Heavenly Father knows what I need. He will sustain me, take care of the details and heal my heartaches. Even when I am tempted to sit in my worry, He pulls me away. He has better for me.
As a result, I need to change my focus...not on all of the areas of my life that are hard or frightening but rather on His kingdom. For it says, "But seek first the kingdom of God." (Matthew 6:33). When I do this, I have confidence, from Scripture, that He will provide for my every need.
Cast your worries upon Him. Confess your worries and anxieties. He will do more than comfort you, He will make a way for you in the wilderness of this life and provide far greater things than you could ever imagine. Rest in Him today, and the next day, and the next day after that.
Very smart words!