Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Own Nothing...

I own nothing. Nothing is really mine.

WOW! What a sobering thought. All my possessions, special mementos, collections of pictures and so on are really not mine...scarier yet, my daughter really isn't mine either!!

Everything I have is a gift given by God. He is the only One who gives and takes away.

My responsibility, then, is to care for and be generous with all I have, giving Him the glory for it all. Somehow in this world, I begin to think that I can control and obtain things that will give my life more meaning. Why? For power? Comfort? Satisfaction? Recognition? What ever the reasoning, I feel if I have more stuff or can control/hold onto what I have that my life will somehow be better.


It is easy to forget that the Lord should be at the center of it all (not my possessions or earthly relationships).

I need to daily hand over my life to Him and be thankful for what He has given me today (because we are not guaranteed anything for tomorrow!!). I need to better care for the things He was blessed me with. Daily, I need to remember that Jesus is the center of my life not my daughter, marriage, work, friends, etc. I need to give what I have without hesitation and listen to the leading of the Spirit as He commands me to share what I have.

In this there is TRUE satisfaction, joy, and peace. (All three of which I desperately need in my life right now!).

Sharing...such a simple concept (and a concept I deeply desire to instill in my daughter) yet it is often difficult to let go of the things I have, to lend without expectation of return, to remember that God has and will bless me as I am in His will.

So for now, I remain thankful to have a Heavenly Father who walks with me. I remain thankful for the One who reveals truth, speaks wisdom and washes me with peace.

I am grateful for the life I have in Him & will continue to practice generosity, all the while reminding myself to enjoy what I have today in Him...because in all reality I own nothing and nothing is really mine. It all belongs to Him!

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