Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Addictions of the Mind & Distractions of the Heart

Our brains are one of the most complex parts of our bodies. It is the decision and communication center for everything we do in our daily life: breathing, blinking, memorize facts for a test, or remember important details for a work project. In essence, the brain acts as our command center, directing our choices, holding our thoughts, and pushing us into action.

Realizing the important function of my very personal "command center," I begin to wonder what exactly is directing my choices, thoughts, and action. It is scary to think that many religions tell me to "empty my mind." My mind has to be filled with something, right? Hearing this, I become desperate for the One and Only to fill my mind (even if I don't always understand what it is He is saying to me.) As it says in Isaiah, "His ways are not our ways; his thoughts not our thoughts." Certainly I want the Creator of EVERYTHING to occupy and control my mind, yet I fall short.

Although I try desperately to hand over the controls of my thought life to God, I find myself convicted about the many addictions that cloud my mind.

"ADDICTIONS!?!?!" Yes, I said that ugly word! Addictions!

You may question this, thinking, "What? Brandi has addictions?" Or, on a more personal note you might be secretly denying your addictions. Regardless, we all have them....whether they are "just" in our minds or are played out in our actions. We call them by many names: addictions, habits, issues, minor distractions, minor obsession, or just a "little hang-up."

No matter what you or I call "it," "it" (our addictions) slowly lure our minds away from Christ.

I find myself battling God over who has the right to control my mind. I fight against my will as the Holy Spirit pursues me with great passion. At times, my desperation for these addictions surprises and scares me. I ask myself, "Why is this battle so hard? I know the right way, the Only way." Yet, for some reason, sin takes over; and the battle rages.

In these times, God slowly speaks to me, "Your need and desperation should only be for ME, child. Not things, positions, relationships, recognitions." What other reaction can I have to that but shock? His truth brings conviction straight to my heart.

God speaks tenderly to me in this battle of will and emotion. You see, no matter what I do, my God (our God) is a compassionate, gentle, and loving God. The prophet Joel writes, "Rend your heart.... Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity." (Joel 2:12)

When life begins to drown me and my addictions take over,  I simply need to look up and surrender. I need to remember that, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) The ONLY ONE who can understand it is the Creator of my heart and of my mind. Am I willing to let go, give up, release, abandon, and yield my addicted mind and distracted heart to God? Because it is only then that God can shine through me. It is only then I am perfected in my weakness. It is only then that I become who God has created me to be: a reflection of His grace.

What addictions are pulling you away from Christ? What distractions are filling your heart? I beg you to go before the Lord to repent, surrender, and be filled anew with His precious love and life! It is a process, yes; however, the first step is recognition and surrender! Christ died to set us free!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  (Gal. 5:1)

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