Monday, May 28, 2012

What is Jesus teaching you?

When I was in Bible school, I would always be asked the question, "What is Jesus teaching you?" What a great and thought-provoking question! When taken to heart, this question really reveals how deep and intimate my relationship with Jesus really is.

The past few days have brought a new awareness about my relationship with Jesus. My husband had his last day of work so that he can go to medical school full-time. On Thursday, my husband (and 8 others) left in hopes to summit Mount Rainier. The next day, I had two friends arrive from Germany, one of which was my roommate in Bible school. They will be staying in our home for a week. There has been a lot of transition and worry in my life over the last few days.

Last night, as I sat with my two German friends and my husband (who climbed off the mountain due to avalanche conditions), we asked each other this question, "What is Jesus teaching you?"

It took me a second to collect my thoughts. My mind was overwhelmed and distracted by the dirty ice cream bowls on the table and the dishes that needed to be turned on. In that moment of chaos, I fully looked to Jesus and reflected on all that HE has been teaching me.

  • Live IN today without worrying. Do not live in tomorrow because we are not guaranteed anything but today. 
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matthew 6:34
  • As my husband was climbing the mountain, I found myself in constant prayer about his safely. God showed me that this is the way I am supposed to be everyday regardless of what is happening in my life. He calls me to be in conversation with Himself all day. 
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18
  • Like Jesus, I need to take time away to be with God. My German friends are WONDERFUL at this and such a great example. They ask to go alone on a walk or say they don't want anything but time with Jesus. WOW! I need their example in my life!
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Mark 1:35
  • We were all made for a purpose, step into it without comparison to others. 
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10
  • He is reminding me that it is a blessing to serve and doing so I am giving myself fully to Jesus. The more opportunities I receive, the more I understand my spiritual gifts of serving and hospitality. 
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." 1 Peter 4:10
  • Allow others to serve me because this could be their spiritual act of worship.

So, those are just a few things that God had reminded me of over the last week. It was a great question to be asked last night; it was even greater to stop to reflect and verbalize all that He has been doing. 

So, I ask you, "what has Jesus been teaching you?"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What have I done with my Gift?

Recently, I have found myself caught up in the materialistic world (even if only in my head). I compare what I have (or don't have) with the possessions of others. My faulty thinking leads me to believe that I "NEED" this new thing or that new object to have a complete life. It is not bad to desire nice things or save up for a special something; however, I must remember that my life is not my own. My life is a gift from God. 

What have I been doing with my gift?

It reminds me of John's caution against the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life. (1 John 2:16)

The NLT states it this way, 

"For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world."

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!? Have I really strayed that far from God that I consider and label the things that God has given me as not enough? When I talk to God and "tell" Him all the things I need, aren't I, in  a sense, telling Him what He has given me is not really enough.....give me more?

I display the characteristics of one with an ungrateful heart. Shame on me! The interesting part is that I think that I am good, that I am okay, and that "it is well with my soul." How easily I can become a hypocrite. I must remember that,

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)

Paul writes, "....there is no one who does good, not even one." (Romans 3:12)

So, in the light of these scriptures, I must remember that the only good in me is Jesus. When I walk away from Him and no longer have relationship with Him, my desires turn quickly to the world. My heart begins to deceive me and my selfishness becomes my primary goal in life. 

I realize (again) that there is a drastic difference between a want and a need, a difference of living in the natural verses living in the spiritual, and a difference between being self-dependent and God-dependent. My desire should be this:

"Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (Phil. 2:3,4)

So, here is my prayer:

Dear Jesus-
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Today, I need you. I turn away from my faulty thinking. I turn away from my selfish desires. I pray that YOUR will be done in my life and that I might be all costs. Please forgive me for my wicked and divided heart. May my thoughts only be to serve you and by doing so, serve others. I thank you that my sins are forgiven and that I am dearly loved by you. Teach me your ways, Lord, that I might display your love, grace, and peace to others. I love you, Jesus!  ~Amen~

Where is your heart and motivations today?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

God wisdom is foolishness to this world

Be anxious for nothing. Be anxious for nothing. Be anxious for nothing.

As I sit here at Starbucks, that is the verse that is being repeated in my head. I fight my flesh. "How can I be anxious for nothing when I have NO IDEA what is going to happen?!?!?"

My mind is flooded with, "What if?" and "I don't know if I can!" and "I don't even know how to start." and "What if no one likes me or what I bring to the table?"

When typing this, I am convicted of two particular situations....both, I might add, are out of my control.

In my flesh (especially my curse as a woman [Gen. 3]) I am prone to the desire to want to control. Yet, God has called me to trust in Him and Him alone for HE is in control. (Romans 8:26, Jer. 29:11)

Since I was 13 years old, I have soaked in scripture. I know the verses in the gospels and the epistles that tell me not to worry, but really what does this transaction look like? ....the transaction of releasing my worries to Jesus. Advice from friends make it sound so easy....just give your life to Him, just let it go, you know that God has your back. The words of "encouragement" go on and on (whether they are from friends or from the programmed responses in my head). Either way, I drown myself in anxious thoughts and worries.

Although I may not know the outcome of my two situations for awhile (one in a few weeks and the other at least 6 months!), Jesus calls me to rest in Him.

 ""Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matt. 11:28, 29

It seems so easy, doesn't it? I just see this picture of Jesus, holding His arms open just for me... to snuggle me in His warm and compassionate embrace.

In this realization, I remember that "He MAKES ME lay in green pastures." (Psalm 23:2; emphasis added).  And "He [alone] restores my soul." (Psalm 23:3). He has gifted me with two very difficult opportunities to trust in Him.  The wisdom of God is sometimes foolishness to this world, but these two particular situations are a gift and an opportunity to trust in my Maker. 

So, I surrender. I CHOSE to: trust, let the peace of Christ wash over me, "allow" His will to be done above my own, entrust Him with my future, and stop being afraid.

In this season of life, I cling to this verse, 

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." (Phil. 4:6)

What truth are you clinging to when you are faced with the SIN of worrying? The sin of being anxious? The sin of controlling? The sin of denying Christ the right to rule in ALL areas of your life? 

Release it! "For who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Luke 12:25)
Passages about worry, anxious thoughts and the peace of Christ:
  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Philippians 4:6
  • Luke 12:25
  • 1 Peter 5:7
  • Isaiah 43:1-3
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:16
  • Proverbs 3:5-6 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Addictions of the Mind & Distractions of the Heart

Our brains are one of the most complex parts of our bodies. It is the decision and communication center for everything we do in our daily life: breathing, blinking, memorize facts for a test, or remember important details for a work project. In essence, the brain acts as our command center, directing our choices, holding our thoughts, and pushing us into action.

Realizing the important function of my very personal "command center," I begin to wonder what exactly is directing my choices, thoughts, and action. It is scary to think that many religions tell me to "empty my mind." My mind has to be filled with something, right? Hearing this, I become desperate for the One and Only to fill my mind (even if I don't always understand what it is He is saying to me.) As it says in Isaiah, "His ways are not our ways; his thoughts not our thoughts." Certainly I want the Creator of EVERYTHING to occupy and control my mind, yet I fall short.

Although I try desperately to hand over the controls of my thought life to God, I find myself convicted about the many addictions that cloud my mind.

"ADDICTIONS!?!?!" Yes, I said that ugly word! Addictions!

You may question this, thinking, "What? Brandi has addictions?" Or, on a more personal note you might be secretly denying your addictions. Regardless, we all have them....whether they are "just" in our minds or are played out in our actions. We call them by many names: addictions, habits, issues, minor distractions, minor obsession, or just a "little hang-up."

No matter what you or I call "it," "it" (our addictions) slowly lure our minds away from Christ.

I find myself battling God over who has the right to control my mind. I fight against my will as the Holy Spirit pursues me with great passion. At times, my desperation for these addictions surprises and scares me. I ask myself, "Why is this battle so hard? I know the right way, the Only way." Yet, for some reason, sin takes over; and the battle rages.

In these times, God slowly speaks to me, "Your need and desperation should only be for ME, child. Not things, positions, relationships, recognitions." What other reaction can I have to that but shock? His truth brings conviction straight to my heart.

God speaks tenderly to me in this battle of will and emotion. You see, no matter what I do, my God (our God) is a compassionate, gentle, and loving God. The prophet Joel writes, "Rend your heart.... Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity." (Joel 2:12)

When life begins to drown me and my addictions take over,  I simply need to look up and surrender. I need to remember that, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) The ONLY ONE who can understand it is the Creator of my heart and of my mind. Am I willing to let go, give up, release, abandon, and yield my addicted mind and distracted heart to God? Because it is only then that God can shine through me. It is only then I am perfected in my weakness. It is only then that I become who God has created me to be: a reflection of His grace.

What addictions are pulling you away from Christ? What distractions are filling your heart? I beg you to go before the Lord to repent, surrender, and be filled anew with His precious love and life! It is a process, yes; however, the first step is recognition and surrender! Christ died to set us free!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  (Gal. 5:1)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Denying Christ.

Which areas of your life are you denying Christ?

This past weekend at the Women's Retreat for my church, God asked me just this very question. Of course, I quickly replied to Him, "I am not knowingly denying you any area of my life, Lord."

Then He replied, "Well, what about this area and that area?"

For the sake of this blog, these areas do not need to be mentioned, but needless to say, my jaw dropped!

Was I really one of "those" people who thought I was 100% free from denying Christ any area of my life? Did I really think that God did not care about those two particular areas of my life? I mean, after all, I had hid them SOOOOO well. Yea, right!

After some weeping and anger, I was able to come before the Lord and apologize for my attitude and my unwilling heart. Getting to the point of apology and a humbled spirit is never easy (at least for me), yet is is amazing how closely my Lord knows what is happening in my heart and mind. 

When I first began to deny Christ these two areas, I began to push them deep down and "ignore" them. Soon, there were only anxious thoughts and well-laid plans. But with Christ, nothing can be pushed down too far or hidden in the depths of that secret place without Him knowing about it.

The theme passage this weekend was Psalm 139. It asks these two questions, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your Presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there..." (verses 7,8)

God knows us so intimately. It shouldn't be shocking; however, this weekend the Lord Himself spoke to me. He spoke words of discipline, words of action, and also words of love and encouragement. 

Although I am still wrestling with what the Lord has spoken to me, I feel released from worry, stress, and anxiety. Knowing that God cares so much for me that He would bring these two very important issues up and provide a way, makes me realize how great our God really is!

So, I ask you, what areas of your life are you denying Christ? 

I challenge you to seek the Lord. He will not only be faithful to answer you, but He will be faithful to walk with you. I pray that you will sense His peace and presence as you do business with God!


Some Helpful Scriptures:
  • Psalm 139
  • Jeremiah 31:3-5
  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Romans 8:28-39
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16-23