I take pause. Sit with my Bible and allow God to wash over me. He reminded me of all the precious words He spoke to me on Oliver's birthday and within the first month of Oliver's life.
- "I giveth and I taketh away. You have to be okay with that."
- Only I (God) am control of life or death.
- Why not you? Why should you be exempt from suffering in this world?
My mind wants to take over and dive deep into learning about sensory processing, sensory toys and other tools/techniques. (Not bad things). But today I am reminded that God....GOD....God is enough. Nothing more or nothing less. It is an example (I think) of what is recorded in the book of Matthew, "blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." (5:4). I need the Lord's comfort today as I process this news of Oliver being a "sensory kid" or "on the scale". (why are these labels so icky to me? What do/can I say instead?!). The "new and shiny" excitement of learning this news has quickly worn off. In some ways I feel devastated yet in others I still hold onto hope (JESUS) for this sweet miracle toddler who was given less than 1% chance of survival at birth. You can't see it, but tears well my eyes as I type. I need the Lord's comfort.
I am forever grateful for April 2, April 5, April 13, April 30. These dates are HUGE milestones in OSH's life (birth, surgery, breathing tube removal and his first homecoming). In May, I wrote a blog "Growing a boy: I'm not celebrating" which ended the first chapter of my processing of Oliver's birth and the first two years of his life. We are now moving into Chapter 2 (or maybe it should be section two). Anyhow, I am SO thankful to have processed much of the first two years of Oliver's life, then had a moment's pause-- a wonderful and pleasurable summer of very few therapy appointments and savoring our new backyard. Now, it seems, we are jumping back into another season of challenge that pushes me/us to rest and trust in the Lord. I pray I can keep this in perspective, process quickly (yet appropriately) and not hinder our other two, older children. I pray I will not become obsessed with this discovery of Oliver's sensory challenges or talk about it/focus on it too much. I pray that I can give GLORY where GLORY is due--that I can share God's faithfulness in the midst of this struggle. I pray that God will remain the forefront of my mind and heart---with every up and coming decision we have to make. I am thankful once again for an incredible medical team who listens to us, takes our obervations seriously and does not judge. I continue to thank the Lord above for each of you who join us in the journey as you pray for us and reach out to us. (With tears **again** in my eyes, I type--- GOD IS SO GOOD! Despite anything and everything my salvation and hope rest in Him! I pray the same for you in your life's struggle. Trust that God is FOR you and if God is for you....who can be against you (Romans 8:31).
Thank you for your honest thoughts. Thank you for allowing us to pray with and for you.