Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Holy Week: Celebration of Passover and the Risen Lamb!

I was so struck by the worship today. As I drove to church, the Newsboys song " God's not dead" brought tears to my eyes. What a victorious life we live in HIM who is alive, on the inside, roaring like a lion-- protecting me, loving me and directing me. I don't know how many times I have heard this song, but for some reason, and in this season that we celebrate, it was brought to life! God is not dead! He is very much alive.

As I walked into church and was handed a palm branch, I was reminded of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In Mark 11:1-11, Everyone was ready to pick out their own personal lamb to sacrifice and make atonement for the sins of their family and children. So they were on their way to Jerusalem to pick their lamb, taking the offering to the priest for sacrifice. This particular day is called "Lamb Selection Day" (or as we call it today, Palm Sunday). As the pastor put it, "it would be like Costco the day before Thanksgiving." As families were hustling around, trying to make their way to find the "perfect" lamb, they noticed something different. In the chaos, excitement and business of their travels, they paused. Suddenly, they recognized the King, the One True sacrifice, Jesus, as He rode passed them on a colt into the city. People where throwing down their coats and palm branches to usher him in. Did they realize that the donkey that passed them held the weight of the world's sins (Jesus)? Did they realize they were seeing the One who bore their sins and would voluntarily die as a sacrifice for their personal sins?? Even John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as the Lamb of God in John 1:29. It is no coincidence that Jesus rode into the city on this day, "Lamb Selection Day." what a beautiful picture!

I wonder if the people really knew or believed in Who they just saw riding passed them. "Really? The King of the World...and on a donkey? That is not glamorous at all...why not a well-groomed horse like David's or the procession like many others kings from the Old Testament who came back from a victorious battle." I wonder how quickly things went back to business as usual once He trotted past them. I bet there was a celebration and built up excitement. Yet was the excitement a reaction to the crowd's excitement or because they truly understood that they just saw the One True God? Did they stop their minds long enough to digest and understand who He was, what He was about to endure and the sacrifice He was going to make. How often in my life do I neglect to "Be still and know that He is God?"

Looking back on it, maybe they really didn't know what was going to come. Maybe they did not listen closely when he was teaching and preaching and this message just floated by them. Regardless, it is interesting to see how quickly they threw down their coats and waved the branches (a sign of Israel's freedom and independence). Yet, this week, we will see how quickly they came to shout "Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

For me, this has been a great (and painful) reminder. Do I acknowledge Jesus as the Lamb of God? The precious and costly sacrifice? Just like those hustling around to select their lamb sacrifice, have I lost sight of what the sacrifice means....too busy to stop and watch the True Lamb enter into my city, life and my heart? Am I quick to throw down my cloak and wave my palm yet just as quick pick it back up and continue life as usual--continue in my patterns of sin and quickly fall into temptation? Have I forgotten the physical and spiritual pain Jesus endured? Do I take time to listen to what He is teaching and preaching to me now, knowing there will be a time when Jesus will depart from the earth (Isaiah 55:6). Although I have not said the words "crucify Him," I realize I have through my actions and attitudes...by choosing my way over His way. By saying what He offers me is not enough. By being self-reliant instead of God-reliant. What a good, yet painful lesson to learn.

Despite all of this....while I am still a sinner (only saved by the grace of God), Jesus STILL died for me (Rom.5:8).

What a gift! I pray as you reflect on these scriptures that you will allow the One True God to not just walk past you, but to live in your heart! To recognize that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God but have been justified FREELY by God's loving grace (Rom. 3:23).

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