Thursday, April 26, 2012

Everyone Can Do Something

Back in November, I attended the youth service at church. I overheard a conversation among a few of the teens. The one phrase that has been seared into my mind is, "We are teenagers. We don't count."

Now, I do not want to be presumptions, but don't these teenagers know the God who created them and who loves them? One of the most famous scriptures says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) We all count to God! If we didn't He would not have sent His only beloved son to die for your behalf!

My heart aches for these kids (and everyone!) to know the depth of God's love and the sacrifices He made to make that possible. As I have been pondering this, I was reminded of this quote:
"No one can do everything, 
but every one can do something."

We ALL count!! We ALL matter!! We are ALL born with a purpose!! We have ALL been given different gifts to help each other out (even though your gift may seem insignificant to you)!!! "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."  (1 Peter 4:10)

I am so encouraged by this! 

Imagine if we all develop a greater confidence in the LORD, a greater confidence in the abilities and gifts that He has given us, and a greater confidence in our personal relationship with Him. WOW! Our world would be a drastically different place.

When I start to think big like this, I find myself overwhelmed. I find myself reverting back to my faulty thinking that says, "You can't change the world," "This problem is too big for just one person to handle," "You don't have the proper training."

Once I start down this path of thinking, it can be very difficult to escape the dark cave of my mind. I remind myself much of the teenagers who all "agreed" that they did not count.

Yet when I look at TRUTH (the Person of Jesus), I see where my thinking departed from His thinking. 

  1. First Truth: I cannot change the world. BUT Christ IN ME can!
  2. Second Truth: Jesus was 30 when he started his "public" ministry.....well, I am just 1 day away from that! :)
  3. Third Truth: I may not have any formal or "earthly" training, but the scripture says that the Spirit of the Lord will speak for me.

Now, there is a caveat to these three truths mentioned above. I must partner with God.

  • I MUST be obedient to God (Deut. 5:33)
  • I MUST spend time in His presences 
  • I MUST know His character (which I learn from reading scripture)
  • I MUST learn to rely on His way and not my own (John 14:6)

We must remember that God is with us! "What, then, should we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) He is not only the cheerleader (or coach) on the sidelines, He is right there with us as we journey this life together!

So, where can you "count"? Where in your life can you allow God to use the gifts that He has given you? Remember, it is not about us or about our ability. It is about Christ in you, the hope of glory!" (Col. 1:27)

To learn more about these "spiritual gifts," here are some suggested reading:

  • Romans 12:4-10
  • 1 Corinthians 12
  • Ephesians 4
  • 1 Peter 4:9-10

Tulips! God's Great Creation!

A little of God's Creation!
 Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

My tulip "field"

God is Great Than Me? Really?

"Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. Our God higher than any other."

If you have listened to Christian radio lately, the above phrase has you humming the Chris Tomlin song titled, "Our God." What amazing words that capture the heart of our heavenly Father. Listening evokes this image of such a powerful, loving God who is also so personal with each one of us.

The first time I really listened to the words of this song was at the "Passion" conference in British Columbia in 2010. With over 20,000 voices singing their hearts out unashamedly, I sensed God smiling down on the arena. For a moment, as the strobe lights flashed about and the stage smoke dissipate, I stopped to listen and observe. This 20,000 person choir was a sight to behold!! Hands lifted, voices crying out, and hearts being brought closer to the True and Only Savior. I was breath-taken.

Today, I am brought back to the Power of the One the song is about: Christ. As I rolled out of bed this morning, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I made the bed, I tuned into the Chris Tomlin radio station on Pandora. "Our God," was the first song that played. In a new way, I was struck by this one phrase in the chorus, "Our God is higher than any other."

These words pierced my heart deeply. In my sleepiness, the first question that came into my mind was, "Really? God is even greater than me!?!?!" Now that I am FULLY awake (with a few cups of coffee and all!) I realize how silly this question was, yet I see a telling truth that needs to be teased out.

The world in which we live in is truly all about us. Fast food restaurants like Burger King tell us to "Have it your way." Starbucks tells us that our "Drink should be perfect all of the time. If not, let us remake it." On-Demand and Netflix make it easy for us to watch what we want, when we want. Stores like Albertson's and Safeway are now delivering groceries to your door at your convenience. The use of "smartphones" allows a person to obtain maps, facts, pictures....really whatever you want! I can create the world I want. I can surround myself with what I want. Me! Me! Me.

I am NOT saying that technology is horrible or Burger King is the devil or having an preferences are bad; however, I am convicted that I have let the patterns of this world, the acceptable practices of this world, to rule my life. Don't get me wrong, I love having my hamburger "my way" and the most "perfect," delicious, handcrafted double-tall-1 pump raspberry-nonfat-170 degree-latte. BUT where do I allow Christ to rule my life?

When in my life do I ask God to step in and transform my mind to focus on Him and His will for my life? When do I recognize my proper place in His Kingdom?

It is hard for me to think of "my" things as God's things.  "My" family as God's family. "My" money as God's money. It was even hard for me when I got married (a little over a year and a half ago) to combine bank accounts with my husband! I want to have full control over my life, my finances, my schedule and by golly, how the clothes got folded!!!! In 1 Timothy 6:7, I am reminded, "For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing our of it." So, what control do I really have?

In my spiritual mind, I am saying, "Where does true eternal value lay in consulting God on spending the money He gives me, or giving of my borrowed time on earth to help a neighbor?"  Does it come from justifying my sin? Does it come from elevating myself above others? Does it come from mocking others to cover my own insecurities? In my flesh I battle with pride, arrogance, greed, selfishness. Then I am reminded of this verse, 1 John 2:16 " For ever"ything in the world---the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--comes not from the Father but from the world."

YIKES! I am so far into the world that I did not even realize it! Since when did I become "greater" than God, the Creator?! Expecting everyone to wait on my hand and foot? Blasphemy! May it NEVER be so! "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yer forfeit their soul?" Matthew 16:26

God has chosen me (us). And because He has chosen me (us), I (we) have to come to an understanding about who I (we) am (are) in Christ. (John 15:19) I may not be popular in this world...even hated by the world. I will (learn to) sacrifice much of my own selfish desire to submit to His will. I may seem weak to those who do not understand the God I serve (2 Corinthians 12:9). Yet, I go back to Chris Tomlin's song. I am reminded that "Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. Our God higher than any other....(even me!!!!)" And for that I am thankful!

I need to heed the advice of the author James and "...keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 This is no easy task, but I must ALWAYS remember "For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath." (Deut. 4:31).  God is indeed, Greater, Stronger, and Higher than any other...even me!!!  Where do you position God in your life?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Resolve to Follow the Lord

When faced with difficult decisions, what do you turn to?

Every day I am called to make choices: What should I eat? What should I wear? How should I spend my free time? In many things God gives me the freedom to choose. He trusts me to make a decision that will uplift others and bring glory to Himself. In choosing, I am either saying yes to God or yes to my own selfishness. 

Yet, in other choices (more difficult choices) I find that my first, human response is selfishness, greed, and blame shifting. I try to justify or rationalize my thinking saying something like, “well, this is an accepted practice among my peers,” or the famous, “everyone is doing it.” The dialog in my head is nowhere close to how God, my Father, wants me to react. How shameful I feel when I compare myself to the cross. Despite these feelings, I must be reminded of the Truth, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1)

The decisions I make (whether big or small) say something about who God is and who God is in my life. If you were able to listen into these conversations, I wonder how you would be influenced to or away from the Kingdom.

Recently reading though the book of James, the author writes about how teachers will be held to a higher level of accountability because of the influence they have over those they teach. If this is the case, we will ALL be held to a higher level of accountability. Are we all not teachers of the Word merely by the way we act or react to the watching world (believers or nonbelievers)? Have we not been given the most amazing “Instruction Book” ever written? I am challenged by this passage in James as well as Romans 12:2, which calls us to “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” 

I don’t know about you, but that seems like A LOT of work!!!! 

First, “do not conform…to the patterns of ‘THIS’ world.” How in the world do I do that? I have to realize that my “citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:30) and that I am an alien and stranger to this world (1 Peter 2:11).  It is okay that I resist the thinking of this world, because this world is NOT my home. My home is in heaven!

Secondly, this passage calls me to be “Transform ‘BY’ the renewing of our minds” I LOVE the promise in 1 Corinthians 2:16 “We have the mind of Christ.” I have to turn my focus on Him and realize that we have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)

Lastly, then we will know what “God’s will is.” WOW! I can know God's will!?!?! Amazing!!

….to be constantly on guard against the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6), to lean not on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), and to recognize that His ways are not my way and His thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). I am thankful that I have Jesus to walk with me and help me in these decisions. (Joshua 1:5). 

To put these principles into application, over the past few weeks God has been challenging me to take responsibility for my choices. He wants me to trust that HE knows what is best, even if I have made a mess out of a situation. He reminds me of this passage, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

In the middle of the chaos, He calls me to 1) STOP! 2) Look Up and 3) Recognize the power He has in my life. He is the Creator. He reminded me just because something in our society it is legal or popular does not mean that is it right in God’s eyes. The root of my life and focus needs to be Jesus and Jesus only!
I need to pray that the Spirit will stir up a fire so that I will hear the voice of God and go deeper into knowing Him! 

I need to resolve to follow the Lord. No matter where He takes me (or no matter what society says)! I may be the only Bible people read and the only example of Christ people may witness. I must remember to look to Christ in times of decision. Like the old song goes, “He holds the whole world in His hands.” I must believe that He is holding me life too, helping me make the right choices. Are you allowing Him to hold yours?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Holy Week: Celebration of Passover and the Risen Lamb!

I was so struck by the worship today. As I drove to church, the Newsboys song " God's not dead" brought tears to my eyes. What a victorious life we live in HIM who is alive, on the inside, roaring like a lion-- protecting me, loving me and directing me. I don't know how many times I have heard this song, but for some reason, and in this season that we celebrate, it was brought to life! God is not dead! He is very much alive.

As I walked into church and was handed a palm branch, I was reminded of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In Mark 11:1-11, Everyone was ready to pick out their own personal lamb to sacrifice and make atonement for the sins of their family and children. So they were on their way to Jerusalem to pick their lamb, taking the offering to the priest for sacrifice. This particular day is called "Lamb Selection Day" (or as we call it today, Palm Sunday). As the pastor put it, "it would be like Costco the day before Thanksgiving." As families were hustling around, trying to make their way to find the "perfect" lamb, they noticed something different. In the chaos, excitement and business of their travels, they paused. Suddenly, they recognized the King, the One True sacrifice, Jesus, as He rode passed them on a colt into the city. People where throwing down their coats and palm branches to usher him in. Did they realize that the donkey that passed them held the weight of the world's sins (Jesus)? Did they realize they were seeing the One who bore their sins and would voluntarily die as a sacrifice for their personal sins?? Even John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as the Lamb of God in John 1:29. It is no coincidence that Jesus rode into the city on this day, "Lamb Selection Day." what a beautiful picture!

I wonder if the people really knew or believed in Who they just saw riding passed them. "Really? The King of the World...and on a donkey? That is not glamorous at all...why not a well-groomed horse like David's or the procession like many others kings from the Old Testament who came back from a victorious battle." I wonder how quickly things went back to business as usual once He trotted past them. I bet there was a celebration and built up excitement. Yet was the excitement a reaction to the crowd's excitement or because they truly understood that they just saw the One True God? Did they stop their minds long enough to digest and understand who He was, what He was about to endure and the sacrifice He was going to make. How often in my life do I neglect to "Be still and know that He is God?"

Looking back on it, maybe they really didn't know what was going to come. Maybe they did not listen closely when he was teaching and preaching and this message just floated by them. Regardless, it is interesting to see how quickly they threw down their coats and waved the branches (a sign of Israel's freedom and independence). Yet, this week, we will see how quickly they came to shout "Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

For me, this has been a great (and painful) reminder. Do I acknowledge Jesus as the Lamb of God? The precious and costly sacrifice? Just like those hustling around to select their lamb sacrifice, have I lost sight of what the sacrifice means....too busy to stop and watch the True Lamb enter into my city, life and my heart? Am I quick to throw down my cloak and wave my palm yet just as quick pick it back up and continue life as usual--continue in my patterns of sin and quickly fall into temptation? Have I forgotten the physical and spiritual pain Jesus endured? Do I take time to listen to what He is teaching and preaching to me now, knowing there will be a time when Jesus will depart from the earth (Isaiah 55:6). Although I have not said the words "crucify Him," I realize I have through my actions and choosing my way over His way. By saying what He offers me is not enough. By being self-reliant instead of God-reliant. What a good, yet painful lesson to learn.

Despite all of this....while I am still a sinner (only saved by the grace of God), Jesus STILL died for me (Rom.5:8).

What a gift! I pray as you reflect on these scriptures that you will allow the One True God to not just walk past you, but to live in your heart! To recognize that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God but have been justified FREELY by God's loving grace (Rom. 3:23).
Hello World!
As of recently, I have decided to be more intentional about my life.
My desire for this blog are as follows:
  1. Share my love and passion for the One and Only Savior.
  2. Define my personal/professional mission statement
  3. Read and review relevant books, journals, etc. that will not only benefit me personally but professionally as well.
  4. Create accountability as I move towards professional development and personal growth.
I hope you enjoy this journey.
