Tuesday, February 2, 2016

When did our children grow up?

I was on a walk today (trying to walk off my baby weight...pushing one child and carrying the other). On my normal route to Starbucks, I pass a school. School had been out for a while but I saw two mothers talking in between their vans with their children running around. I had to pause.

On the rest of the walk home, I spent in reflection...when did my children grow up?

I looked down at the sweet face of my 5-week old infant who was strapped to my chest, sleeping with his face so relaxed resting on my chest...how has a month already gone by? When did he stop wanting to fall asleep on my chest while laying on the couch? Start rolling over? Staying awake longer in the day? Sleeping more at night....oh wait! I remember the day that happened!! :)

Although it has only been a month, he keeps growing...changing...eventaully become less dependant on me (which is a good thing, something I desire, a natural part of the process). It reminded me to cherish every single moment...before I know it, he will be like those boys running around my vehicle as I chat with a fellow mommy-warrior. A part of my heart became sad. Another part was so joyful as I prayed to God for the future of my son.

Then I looked down. Before my eyes over the last year and a half, my sweet daughter has grown into a little girl. Playing more independently, counting to 6, having an opinion about what she wears (especially her shoes!). :) There was once a time when all she wanted to do was snuggle in my lap and read books; a time when she needed more help getting dressed, eating, sitting in a chair...all of the million little things she can now do on her own. Now I am blessed if she can sit still through "Goodnight Moon" or snuggle as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes after a nap. It is amazing to see all that she is learning and how daily she is absorbing the world around her making it her own. I am proud of the little person she is become but mourn some of the cherished times we had together when she was younger.

Being a new "mother of two" has certainly been a challenge. My husband went back to work yesterday after a month off and managing bedtime with a overly tired toddler and a screaming "I need milk-now" infant has certainly proved to be a challenge; yet today I realized again that it is ALL worth it...every moment of it! It makes me want to embrace every moment of snuggling, every look of affection, every meal we have and every time I sit with my children reading stories.

Most days are long and hard but then I remember that God is the one who blessed me with this job...with this two precious children...and with the ability to manage all aspects of my life through HIS strength. He is the one who has reminded me over and over again to embrace each moment... pleasant or otherwise. The days go by too fast and our children grow up when we are not looking...so LOOK! ENJOY! EMBRACE! ...every moment we are given with those God has entrusted us with.


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