Things were vastly different with my second. By nature, I LOVE organizing. So I did spend a fair amount of time organizing and folding clothes and deciding on the nautical themed nursery but that is about as far as it went. I was busy chasing a toddler and too pregnant to spend more time cleaning and re-cleaning our home. My husband, however, kicked in high gear and started deep cleaning the basement (aka the man cave). He even voluntarily deconstructed his rock wall and built an indoor playhouse for our children...WOW! He was concerned about the nursery design, chiming in on how the decor was arranged. He just could not WAIT to meet his son!
Fast-forward to the present, 9-weeks postpartum, and the nesting is kicking in! Over the past month, I have had a new motivation like none before to simplify. Days that are overtaken by baby, I see the effects on our house stuff everywhere! Where are we going to put all the stuff needed for TWO babies!?!? Also, with full days and full hands, I ran out of time to search for needed items in the kitchen, in the garage, in the hall closest. I got tired of reach for something on the top shelf and having half the shelf contents fall on my head or near the child who was clinging to my legs.
It was time...SIMPLIFICATION! The art of becoming a minimalist.
I began to look around at my beloved possessions, soon realizing that I live in a place of abundance...OVER abundance (if there is such a thing). Wow! I look around at my home to realize that I have much to give (and much I do not even use!). My sister sent me a few blogs about minimal living and some of the concepts really struck me:
- getting rid of one item a day for a whole year
- narrowing your wardrobe to 44 items
- turning hangers backwards for a set amount of time to see what you really wear
- reducing the amount of toys & books your kids have access to
- pairing down office supplies to only what you use
- stop buying in bulk to have items sit in your storage for a year before it is used
In a effort to declutter (and fulfill my postpartum nesting) and live more simply...I have started to purge!
My husband and I started from the basement and moved up. The basement was a difficult space for me to start since it is mostly the "man cave" but I forced myself to see items in a new way (not just permanent, unused fixtures in our home). To my surprise, we loaded out at least three bins of donations items along with a few garage bins. Wow! It was feeling good! Over the next week or so, we moved our way up to the kitchen, living room, hallway and office. I felt like the first purge was a success, toting out at least 6-8 bags/bins for donation. And I am sure we could find more items to donate on our second round.
My closet is far from 44 items, but it feels so good to declutter! And to be honest, I can't remember half of what I got rid of!
So here are a few things I am learning from my postpartum nesting/simplification:
- I really want to enjoy what I have. How can I enjoy what I can't see or use?
- Keep only things that a) are useful/used often and b) bring me joy/happiness...everything else is just clutter.
- I want to teach my kids to enjoy what they have...not wanting more or "needing" more. I want them to be creative, imaginative using what they teach them gratitude.
- Having more "stuff" does not make me is just more stuff to maintain and find a place for...everything should have a purpose.
I am not even close to where I want to be, but I love seeing my bookshelves, closets and cupboards thinned out. I love being able to find what I need when I need it without things falling on my head. I love seeing my daughter use her toys in new and creative ways. And I love being able to bless others by sharing our abundance. So, I ask you...are you living in abundance? In what areas of your life are you willing to simplify? Maybe it is not your house...maybe it is your schedule or your office at work. But whatever it is, take the bold step towards simple living. I still have a long ways to go, but I already feel freer!