Friday, March 31, 2017

Growing a boy: Bed Rest Day 3

Thurs., March 30 Day 3: Bed Rest in the Hospital

I am writing this a day later so I may not remember all of the details but either way, it was a very long, stressful and emotional day.

Around 4:30am I called Tyler up to our room because I was feeling SO HUGE and was having so many long and painful contractions. I literally felt like I would pop my bag of water at any minute from straining to sit up in bed or by walking to the bathroom. We called L&D at the hospital, and of course they recommended that we come in (especially in light of my previous hospitalization). In some ways I felt like I was being silly, worrying too much about what was probably nothing. However, I was reminded that I was not only responsible for my life but my growing son's life too. This convinced me to go in. We called my parents and Papa came over quickly to be with the kids as they slept, knowing that we would probably be in the hospital the whole day. Papa was more than happy to help out in this way!

When we got to OB-Triage, I was given an exam. No dilation changes from our previous visit, however, the contractions were not letting up despite the medications I was taking. They thought it was best that I stay for observation, thinking a c-section was in my near future. To confirm baby's position, I was taken for an ultrasound around 7:00am. Afterwards, they moved us back to room 227...close to the OR and equipped with a wonderful jetted tub (of which I took full advantage of). We received the results of the ultrasound as I was given IV fluids. Baby looked 6/8 on their scale. Not too bad considering all of the fluid I had in my belly. We also learned that I gained 7 more cm of fluid from the ultrasound taken...moving me from 50 to 57 AFI. Crazy!

Around 12 pm it was determined that I no longer needed a one-on-one nurse and I was moved down the hall to a different room. During this transition the chaos and emotions of the day began to unfold. There were many doctors and nurses stating that I was for sure getting a c-section at 2pm (the next available time). Others said that being 32w6days, baby needed to stay in my belly for as long as possible. They went back and forth about what might or might not occur and if I could eat or not eat. There was so much confusion that it caused Tyler and I a lot of stress--trying to listen to the doctors while figuring out what was best for baby boy. By the end of the night we were both so frustrated, exhausted and still did not have many answers.

I was thankful for the 8pm distraction of Grey's Anatomy followed by pain medicine that would help me fall asleep in addition to helping with my pain. I was done with Thursday....until we learned all the scary news that Friday would bring.

Stay tuned to hear the shocking and scary news we received about our baby boy on Friday.

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