Saturday, August 20, 2016

When your mouth says otherwise

True confession: sometimes my mouth says things my mind says I should not say.

In a world with rapid access to news and quick postings on social media, I find myself blurting out things that I otherwise should know are not appropriate. My desire in life is to honor the Lord first and foremost. And then to honor my husband, family, and then friends. It is challenging when my mind goes 1,000,000 miles a minute and my mouth catches up quickly.

So how do I stop this fire out of my tongue? Scripture says that it can never be tamed. Is it hopeless?

With prayer and discernment, I pray that my mouth will align with God's heart.  I really do want to lift up those around me with kind, compassionate words. What example do a set for my family and children with the words that I say? Although I am not cursing, I say things that inevitably can cut deep without even realizing it.

We are an example. We do have influence on those around us. I desire my influence to be one that uplifts and brings honor to those around me.  So in a quest to find the Lord's voice in mine, I go to prayer. There are many examples of those in my life who have learned to either keep their mouth shut or honor those they love with her words. I desire to learn both skills.  It is an on going process, one in which I need grace.

I encourage you as well as myself to take pause. To be still. To listen. And to be slow to speak and quick o listen. Words can't either build up or tear down. What do your words do?

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