Thursday, February 11, 2021

Growing in faith: Let this cup pass

Jesus knew He was on His way to death. He cried out to God, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me." Then, in recognition of God's Almighty Power, Jesus said, "Yet not as I will, but as you will." (Matt 26:39)

This passage reminded me of OSH's day of birth. On the OR table, having just had my premature, unresponsive son cut out of my belly, God directly spoke to me saying, "I giveth and I taketh away. You have to be okay with that, ok?!" 

It was a command. It was a fact. It was a reminder. It brought me comfort. Knowing only God is in control of life and death--no matter what the medial team did or did not do. No matter if the doctors and nurse did everything perfect or not. God told me that He controlled Oliver's life. 

In my Bible reading today, I was struck by Jesus' words, "Yet not as I will, but as you will." (Matt 26:39). In light of all of the recent testing and testing to come on our youngest, I will commit to praying this prayer..."Your will be done, Father, Your will be done."

As I surrender, pray, and accept, I find myself in a glorious spot. I find myself again recognizing the beautiful gift our youngest son is (all of our children for that matter). I find myself staring at him in awe of all he overcomes everyday to perform daily tasks. I am reminded that he needs a bit more patience and direction and handholding (literally and figuratively) to accomplish simple directions. I realize that perhaps I am not the best person to teach him preschool "academics" but I am his biggest advocate and resource seeker. I see that I cannot compare our family dynamic with other families in similar stages because our family must do life slightly different. 

I will pray that God will train up his mind to overcome challenges, but to pray for healing...why? He is perfect just the way God intended him to be. It was and is God's way that our son came into the world as he did. It is God's way that as parents we are refined by the "unexpected," our responses more quickly turning to God than any thing else. 

When I once had no hope, God is faithful. With a few new discoveries and possible avenues of support, I know that I can forge ahead in confidence and faith. Our "perfect" son, just as God intended him to be. I write this with a smile on my face and a joy in my heart. God is holding me fast, teaching me, and encouraging me to look beyond what is right in front, the temporal. God is so gracious to us by giving us Oliver, his "complexities" and all. Our little boy is a miracle. He is a teacher, one who teaches us daily to turn to the Creator. 

 As you will, Father, as you will.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Growing in Faith: Without Fail

 Without fail, God shows up.

In a song. In a "new" to me program. In unexpected phone calls and messages from friends.

God shows up. Without fail.

I am feeling distracted but have a renewed hope. I feel deep sorrow yet I am peeking out of the dark woods to a beautiful meadow of wildflowers, flooded with sun.

It is a new day.

This day, I will follow the Lord and keep doing so all the days of my life.

He is faithful.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Growing in Faith: I lost my mustard seed

The Bible says that even a small mustard seed of faith can move mountains (Matt 17:20). The Bible says that if we ask anything in His name, He will give it according to His will (Matt 21:22).

I must say, I lack faith.

In a recent pending diagnosis for one of my children, I lack faith. A diagnosis that seems so permanent, disruptive and hard, I am failing to see how God might redeem this. I find it difficult to pray for healing. I find it difficult because when I think about it, it brings me back to the traumatic events of his birth. It conjures up the emotional pain of the first two months of his life that was followed by a difficult 2 years of life. Praying reminds me of his daily struggle and how I see him acting differently than a "normal" preschooler.

How do I get past this? No, really, how!? Any ideas?!

I am fighting for faith yet it feels like an uphill battle. Possibly because we do not yet have answers. Possibly because I can't control this diagnosis. Possibly because I have run out of tools in my mothering-toolbox. 

I want to run away, scream, drink a lot of coffee, shop...but I need to fight this battle on my knees. I need to resist the temptations of this world that would call me to anything other that Jesus. Because my head tells me that this battle will ONLY be won in Him. (I just need my heart to follow).

So, for just this moment (and the next and the next), I will TRY to surrender, open my palms and offer my 1/2 mustard seed of faith. I will TRY to figuratively lay my son at the alter of the Most High and allow Him to work, heal, restore. I will TRY to focus on what God has already done. I will TRY to focus on my son, just how he is! He is not a diagnosis. He is not. He is not a label. He is not! He is a different kind of beautiful...just like we all are.

Please pray for my faith, my husband's faith. Pray for acceptance, answers, tools and PEACE. Pray that we can look beyond what is and see HIM working....because all we need is a mustard seed of faith.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Growing a family: Defeated in the Victory

 Have you ever felt defeated even in your victory? Today feels like that kinda day.

  1. A decision was made.
  2. I am on my way in a few short minutes for one of two medical appointments this week.
  3. My son has an even bigger appointment in just a few days.
  4. We are celebrating a birthday and a half-birthday.

So much to celebrate. So much to mourn. So much to process. So much to just trust it ALL with the Lord.

The Lord is faithful, even in our failings. The Lord is faithful, even when we make a decision (not knowing what is better or best). The Lord is faithful as we wait for diagnosis. The Lord is always faithful. 

We must remember this when we feel defeated on our victory. Why? BECAUSE WE ARE VICTORIOUS! We stand in a position with the Most High. Because HE fights for us. As our pastor said on Sunday--we know the end of the Book. We win. 

Let us hold that posture today. We might **FEEL** defeated but we are not. We are victorious IN HIM and in Him, He works all things together for good.

I will try to rest in this today. Will you?