After a day of wind breezing through the sky and rain filling the earth, the sun peeks through my kitchen window. I breathe.
It has been a long week. A week of balancing one-sick infant and a very active toddler, caring for and grading multiple assignments for over 150 students, remembering to (finally) put the clothes in the dryer. After 5-loads of backed-up laundry waiting to be put happened! Everything is back in its proper home. My to-do list is still long...seems like it always is yet I take a moment to enjoy the silence of my house. No one wanting me. The house not beckoning for attention (I am ignoring the toys scattered on the living room floor behind me). In this moment, I reflect on why it matters to still retain "ME" in the midst of the demands the world brings.
- My passions allow me to get excited.
- My hobbies recharge me which in turn makes me a better wife, mommy, and friend.
- My relationship with Jesus often suffers at the constant tugging or crying of my children. Investing in this daily (although it doesn't always happen), allows me to maintain a godly point of view (when all I really want to do is overreact).
- Connecting with friends via text, email or phone allows me to encourage others which in turn encourages me.
This is a very short list (because I know my kids will soon be stirring and seeking snacks, dinner, etc.) but this concept of "retaining me" in the midst of everything is so important to explore. Just because I am a wife, mom, friend, teacher, leader, etc. I do not want to forsake the gifts and passions God has instilled in me. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who supports my crazy (and over abundance) of party planning or my new organizational idea. As often as he can due to his work schedule he watches the kids so I can sneak away to a coffeeshop to read, do Bible Study or simply sit. I am blessed to have the love and support of a wonderful family who also helps me "retain me." Although the "me" now looks drastically different than my "me" before kids, I have to be okay with how my life has certainly has changed for the better so why do I look to the past? Anyway....embrace who you the season you are in. Find ways to continue to "retain you" in the midst of the world's demands. I am curious, how are you able to do this? (I am always looking for new ideas!).
Thanks for reading and Happy Epic Fall Storm of 2016!