My LIFE with Jesus, I pray is a reflection of the amazing work that He is constantly doing in me. I am no good on my own. He makes me worthy of everything I do!
I pray Jesus that my life will continually reflect your goodness and faithfulness to me. I pray my outlook will be outward and in serving others, not caught up in the busy tasks of my to-do list, but rather of SERVING those around me. Help me see things, people, situations through your eyes. I am grateful how much You have transformed me. I ask Jesus that you remind me of Your faithfulness day after day. I pray that my heart will desire to spend time with dive deep into the mysteries in which you have set out for me to discover.
I thank you Lord for always being with me. You are my Emmanuel. Thank you that I can find rest, peace, and security in You!
You are the only one who deserves my worship. May my life (in all areas) focus on knowing You, being BOLD to proclaim Your truth to others, and be a life worthy of the call you have given me.
I praise you Lord.