Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life with Jesus: ONE TRUE GOD

A life with Jesus is not always perfect, easy, or quick to adapt to. It is, however, eventful! My life with Jesus has evolved so much since I first really began to walk with Him in middle school. I reflect back on all of my "hardships" as a 13-year old and compare God's faithfulness to my hardships now as an adult.

God's character is still the same.

Yesterday and tonight I was asked to give my testimony on the boundaries that God has placed on my life. Many topics came to my mind including both emotional and physical boundaries God has given me. It is so encouraging to discover that other ladies ALSO have boundaries that God has given them too, despite being different than mine.

Tonight, I feel victorious in the Lord. I stood in front on how many women and confessed my stubbornness  pride, frustration and all the like about on I feel free! God calls us to confess our sins and also to carry the burdens of others. In fellowship, conversation, and pray this is accomplished.

I am SO grateful that God has given me ladies who I can trust, exposing these boundaries to. I am so grateful for the LOVE God Himself gives me as I trust in HIM to provide for my every need and bring me protection along with comfort.

So, I end this blog tonight feeling encouraged, blessed, excited, and wanting more than ever to keep sharing my story so that people can see the ONE TRUE GOD through it.

May God receive all of the glory.