Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Growing a Boy: I "just" want to be his mom.

As you can imagine, this school year started with many complexities. My plate is crowded with obligations and responsibilities. Does my son have a disability? Yes. Does he need different scholastic accommodations than traditional students? Yes. Does he require therapy within and outside of the school day? Yes! Do I have other children, a job, and a household to run? Yes. However, there needs to be a surrender in the middle of the chaos.  As our family falls into somewhat of a rhythm of the school year, I find myself anxious. I am asking myself questions like:

o   Am I pushing too hard for supports/accommodations?

o   Is it worth disrupting my son's school day for therapy? (and all the make-up work!)

o   When are too many resources/therapies just that…too many?

o   Do I let him grow “as is” or intervene?


I find that my phone is tethered to my side during the school day, “just in case” the school calls to tell me that my son had a seizure or something even more catastrophic. Is this a healthy way to live? No.


What if I am "just" his mom? What if I fully surrendered my son to the Lord? I realize that my thoughts and feelings are based on fear and worry. When I live here, life and joy are taken from me.  How, then, do you reconcile the practical everyday questions with the life of surrender and trust? 

In all honesty, I don't want to mess this up...for my son or for myself. I don't want to be so wrecked that I walk around with a perpetual lump in my throat, a pit in my stomach, and a doom cloud floating over my head. Sadly, this is how the days have felt recently. God, just take my anxious thoughts. Allow me to surrender. Can I "just" be my son's mom? Can I stop being an advocate for him? 

In this, I pray for wisdom. I pray for healing. The trauma of his birth just keeps seeping in. I can't help but remember our son fighting for his little life at just days old...the pumps, the tubes, the medications...the many unknowns. I do not want to live a life dictated by the past. My son is alive. That should be enough, right? But the wounds are deep. Life is fragile. The mind is fickle. Help me, Lord. Take control over my heart, mind, and soul. You be the one that fills me, Lord. You be the one to answer the many questions I have. You grow him because today.... today, I "just" want to be his mom.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Growing in Faith: Come and Rest

Have you ever wondered how to experience joy when the world around you feels chaotic? This is a question many of us have asked ourselves. Our questions may seem too big or the unknowns...well, too unknown. But we, as humans, have the capability to navigate, persevere, and conquer the mountains in front of us. 

We get to choose our response:

1) We can be raw, vulnerable, real, authentic, and transparent. Yet, this comes at great risk of shifting our chaotic world onto our friendships --or-- being disliked, ignored, or made fun of.

2) Alternatively, we could give the obligatory, standard response, "Everything is okay." "We are just figuring things out, you know, one day at a time." Yet with this response, we remain unseen and unknown.

Neither response is wrong, but isn't there a better way? 

Yes, there is! The answer is found in Jesus. When we carry the burden alone, we can feel hopeless, without a landing place. Jesus came to carry the burden with us and for us. We can surrender and trust that Jesus is faithful. But are we willing? Are we willing to surrender? Are we willing to learn? Are we willing to rest? Jesus can heal even the deepest wounds. We simply get to come and rest.

"Be still and know that I am God."

Monday, June 3, 2024

Growing in Faith: Widely Complex Emotions {change}

When a season ends, we sit and we reflect. We mourn and we celebrate. We take a deep breath and pause in silence.

What next?

The Band-Aid feels like it is ripped off way too soon, but then you realize that your wounds are healing. They needed air and space so that the skin could be fully renewed.

Seasons in life are like this. What feels like “it is gone too soon” or what feels like “I can’t breathe” when a season changes, we know we are stronger than we were when we first entered the season. Many lessons have been learned. We slowly let our hand off the handrail to realize that we didn’t fall…but in case you were worried, you looked back to see your village standing behind you cheering you on.

You cry. You grieve. Your emotions are widely complex yet you know… 


You are seen. You are loved. You, dear friend, have a purpose beyond any purpose you can see for yourself. Just being who you were created to be has left a lasting impression on those around you. You learned to show up—cry with others, pray deeply, listen more closely, and refrain from being the center of every conversation. To be at the table, known by name, is simply enough.

These widely complex emotions are valid. Sit in them. Allow yourself to feel all the feels …then...just then, when you process, cry, and grieve, look up. Know that the Father above looks upon you with deep joy, love, and kindness. You are His. He already knows where the next fork in the road will take you. Trust Him. Trust the road. Have faith that the next season will bring about a great impact on your life. It, too, will change you and heal you in unexpected ways. Lean into it. Change is hard. Change is frustrating and at times anger producing – but don’t sit there. Grieve your loss, come to an acceptance of sorts, and look forward to embrace the beautiful seasons ahead—seasons that have been predestined by the Lord, JUST. FOR. YOU. Yes, just for you.

Those in this season may find their way onto your new path once again, your new road. Welcome them. And at the same time, allow yourself to fully embrace those who walk shoulder to shoulder with you in this new season. Even if the new season is unexpected (or comes far too early), know there is a greater plan. A far greater plan than you may ever know or see. YOU. ARE. SEEN. You are seen so much that, the Creator of all, deeply cares about the widely complex emotions you are feeling. HE. WILL. HEAL. YOU. He will heal you, perhaps not in a physical way, but rather in a deep spiritual way. So let the Band-Aid be removed. Feel all of the feels. Grieve. Accept. Pray. Trust.


He always has and He always will. Day by day your wounds are healing, your heart is transforming and your new season will change your (body, mind, and spirit) in ways that only the Creator can. Embrace it with deep passion, with deep trust, and great joy. (But it’s okay to take a moment and grieve…allow yourself to sit there for a moment, in silence, washed by the Spirit).


Then, move forward in great hope. You have a purpose and a gift the world desperately needs. Share it.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Growing a boy: When Seizure Increase

Our Oliver experienced another short seizure today. My heart is breaking, my head is can I support this little guy? I am thankful this one was under 1 minute and was pretty mild. Perhaps it is the heat? Maybe it is the fact that he fights naptime and has eliminated his nap altogether. I remember with my other two, I looked forward to "no more naps" because that meant longer outings, different play dates, and in many ways an untendered schedule. No naps and/or a lack of sleep for Oliver can result in seizures.

Life is complex with a child who has physical or mental effects from a medical diagnosis. For example, did you know that heat can be a trigger for seizures? I just learned this today. It is recommended your child take showers, not baths in case they have a seizure--yet you should have a shower seat and handlebar in case they have a seizure while in the shower? Everything-- EVERYTHING seems so much more complex. As his mother, I think and overthink his safety--because I have to.

In many ways, the older he gets the more challenging it is to parent him. Growth causes seizures. Brain development causes seizures. Weight gain can cause seizures. Skipping a meal can cause seizures. Most result in more blood draws to determine the level of medication in the bloodstream. It is heartbreaking to see my kid experience seizures. It is heartbreaking that he has to get "pokeys" (aka blood draws and shots) often. This is his normal. This is my normal. It is tough.

Along with his other medical diagnosis and sensory struggles, every moment of his waking day is "all hands on deck." It is explaining, reexplaining and reexplaining again what we are doing or where we are going. It is creatively talking him "down or out" of a raging fit because something did not go as expected, or was too loud, or something brushed again him in a "wrong" way.

Yet, in all of this, God is good. He provides resources, answers, support and wisdom. In the daily ins and outs it feels lonely and exhausting yet, I know Jesus walks with me. Thank you for reading my words, understanding a bit of our world and for giving me (and Oliver!) grace as we navigate the beautifully complex human God has created him to be.

My love- B

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Growing in Life: Remember, it’s only for a season.


Remember, it’s only for a season.



Just getting by in life… and then you have a choice? You can do anything? What freedom we have yet we are afraid to embrace!!


We have opportunities those before only dreamt about yet we hide.


We have a choice to be great. We have a choice to live a life of greatness, according to our purpose and calling. How often we do not fulfill our purpose because of fear.


What is there to fear but fear itself?


Embrace change. Embrace the life choices you have.


Stop just getting by.


Open your eyes to the world around you.


You live with blinders on. Who placed those blinders on you but you? Who can remove them but you and Grace above?


Release yourself from past. Release your expectations of the future.




Live life by seizing moments and opportunities.


Seek what is good. Seek blessings, not hurts and failures. See each step as a step forward. As a learning experience.




Love where you are at in life, despite how down, at times you might feel. Love because that is what we are called to do. Let hate be captured. Hate for self, hate for others. What joy comes from holding yourself random over hate?




Enjoy time. Even if it may seem boring…find JOY! Laugh. You will not always get what you want in life, but learn to laugh.


Remember, it’s only for a season.


May 30, 2007

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Growing in Faith: What is your "tree" of "the knowledge of good and evil?"

To my fellow believers.

Ok...2022! Goals! Mine (among many) the Bible's Old Testament. Last year, I accomplished reading the New Testament, but the OT---now that is a different story.

Diving into Genesis 1-3 this morning, I was made acutely aware of (shhh...I am going to say it) .... TEMPTATION-- but not in the way I have traditionally thought about it. Stick with me okay...I think this may have an impact on you too!

I only got to Genesis 2:9 before God started speaking volumes to me---hence the reason I am typing now instead of reading.

Scene: God just created land, water, sky, fish, animals and THEN man...Adam. The Bible mentions briefly about the world man was put into but then a verse later, God says:

 "Then, the Lord planted a garden in Eden....there he placed the man he had made."               (Gen. 2:8, NLT).

Did you catch that? God PLANTED a special place JUST for man...and PLACED him there. Now, if that is not the highest honor, the best gift, the most profound thought! Out of ALL that God created, he created yet another special place just for man. This got me thinking. Not my main point here, but more of a side thought---

  • Where has God PLACED you/me? What specific "garden" has He created JUST for you? Your family? The location of your home? Your job? Friendships? Are we enjoying it? Embracing it? Appreciating it?

  • What a BLESSING we easily ignore...not really seeing our "placements" as truly gifts from the Lord! Talk to God about that a bit. I think He will reveal so pretty amazing insights to you!!

 Okay--that was a different tangent, let me get back to my main point.

After God placed man into the garden in Eden, we are told that in that garden, God also planted two specific trees in the middle of the garden: "...the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." (Gen. 2:9, NLT). ANNNNDDDD....this is where the Lord stopped me! Having read this story many times, I know where this is going but I kept reading...

God continues by telling man of his purpose in the garden. The PURPOSE for man being in the garden was " tend and watch over it." (Gen. 2:15, NLT). Ok, question time again: What has God called you/me to "tend" and "watch over?" It seems so simply, doesn't it? But, oh how distracted we can get from our God given purposes! (Pray about this one too!)

Then God put a boundary, a rule, a "do not do" command, "You may eat freely the fruit of every tree in the garden --except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Gen. 2:16-17, NLT).

God put one teeny, tiny boundary on man---the TREE! I wonder the thoughts of man in between the time man was placed in the garden and woman was created (Gen. 2:18-23). Where did man's thoughts turn? To the "off-limits" tree or to purely enjoying what and where man was--BEING PRESENT in the moment of time...enjoying the work and purpose for which he was created? Then I think about us--what do we often think about and focus on. Where would your mind go--onw that you could or could not do? (Remember, sin had not yet been introduced to man--yet--I still wonder what man was thinking. Maybe there wasn't even a thought about the tree he was not to touch--until he was given company (a helper, just like him). Shortly after, God made woman from man (Gen. 2:18-23) and the story gets more interesting. 

Cliff Notes version (so I can get to my point): The serpent comes to tempt man, they accept the temptation and are kicked out of the garden. Done. Boom. The rest of history is based on the events played out in chapter 3 of Genesis. 

My bigger point: WHAT IS YOUR FORBIDDEN TREE? That one "thing" that is centered in the middle of your life that is off limits--that God has told you is not good for you---yet- you still want to test it, look at it, hold it, walk around it, entertain it (even just a "little bit")? Are you not able to fully separating yourself from what God says is not good for you!?  Is it social media? Is it a friendship? Maybe it is shopping/overspending or neglecting Bible/prayer time with your Maker. Perhaps it is over eating or ..... the list could go on.

What ever your "tree" is, recognize it for what it is. It is a GOOD boundary, set by God to protect you and give you life and FREEDOM! We don't often think boundaries or "do not do's" create freedom, but I have personally experienced that boundaries really do allow us to live full, purpose filled lives. It takes restraint and discipline but it is worth it.

So, in this new year I encourage you to ask the Lord what "forbidden trees" He was placed in your life (for YOUR benefit!). And when He shows you, resist them!! Choose different than the first man and women (Adam & Eve). Choose to accept God's boundary AND THEN focus on all that is good and life giving "trees" He has given you rather than those things in which God has said are "not for you." God is a God of Grace and Love. His concern and care for you runs deep. Remember your HOPE in Jesus that you are not resisting the evil on on your own but rather with the fully armor of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Enjoy this first day of the new year. Know that God walks with you though the power of the Holy Spirit and that He desires you to have a rich, meaningful life by embracing all He has created you for! Enjoy Him and those He has placed around you.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Growing in health: A wrist device

It all started about six months ago when I got my Fitbit. I realized how restless my sleep was. How inactive my body was. And more importantly, I realized how anxious I was as noted by my high resting heart rate.

In a season of uncertainty, on many levels, I allowed my mental stress to affect my physical health. Within a few weeks, I began to recognize the signs my body was giving off when my heart rate was increasing: Shoulders up to the ears. Heart pounding a little faster. My hands clenching the steering wheel just a little tighter. My voice raising. (Do any of these things sound familiar to you?) None of these things are good or healthy. None of these things do I want my children to learn— My bad habits.

Today driving the kids to school, I was again thankful for the little device around my wrist. At a stoplight, I glanced down and I noticed that my heart rate was way too high given the fact that I was simply just sitting in a car. After taking several deep breathes, releasing my shoulder tension, and losing my grip around the steering wheel, my heart rate dropped by five points! Can you believe it!?

I resist to use the word “mindfulness,” maybe I am just learning to be more aware—but I would recommend that each one of us take a look into our habits and our physical reaction to the world around us. Within minutes, I felt so much more peace and calm. My mind was clear and my words were more succinct. I was able to fully present with my children on the rest of the drive to school. 

In a world where life demands multitasking, our bodies simply cannot catch up! There is no doubt that certain seasons are busier than others. And certain times of the day that are more strenuous than others. Regardless, we are called as believers to take every thought captive to the Lord! As we do this, we can experience what true peace truly feels like!

I write this not as a sales pitch for a fitness device but rather as a reminder to check in with your body. Examine your attitude and your actions and how those might be influencing (either positively or negatively) not only yourself but those around you! I was surprised I have learned so much about myself from a tiny little device wrapped around my wrist.